Orlando: We have this joke where we dig at each other, me and Aragorn, me and Viggo...And I'm like, yeah well, at least I don't smell. And at least I'm going to live forever. So we get a little a bit of the odd dig here and there, you know, but, that's just because he can't use a bow and arrow like I can
ORLI: I love them, we love each other. We see each other when we can come to the same (something) or we're in the same town. This film has been huge. When we get together, we love to hang out, y'know, I love seeing Vig, y'know, and I love to see the hobbits and I love to see everyone -- Liv, Ian -- but it's just the nature of being an actor is that you're not often in one place for very long so it's often difficult to stay together but we got tattoos. That should be enough for everyone to...
Orli:我很爱他们,我们也爱着对方。当我们可以去做同一件事情或者在同一个小镇的时候,我们就会见见对方。这部电影是大制作。当我们在一起的时候,我们喜欢出去逛逛,我喜欢和Vig见面,你知道,我也喜欢见到哈比人,我喜欢见到每一个人——Liv, Ian—但是当演员,你就不会在一个地方呆上很长的时间,所以我们很难经常在一起。可是我们都有纹身。这样应该就足以….(不会忘记对方了吧)
Bloom tells a story that occurred when the Rings crew returned to New Zealand in the summer of 2002 for sound dubbing and pickups for The Two Towers. “I flew over just to visit Viggo,” says Bloom, who had heard that Mortensen was organizing a reunion dinner. He, Mortensen and Henry [Viggo's son], Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler (who plays Arwen), and members of the crew took a bus to the countryside. After dinner, Bloom and Henry went for a walk and noticed how beautifully the moon was shining on a nearby river.
“We ran back and said, ‘Everyone’s got to see this.’ ” Bloom recalls. “I was having a Viggo moment—running out, getting people to come and check out the moon.”
Some decided to wade into the stream, but Mortensen suggested the more perilous task of crossing the river.
“I’m like, ‘Fuck off,’ and he says, ‘Come on.’ So we’re barefoot, waist-high in water, walking on these little rocks to get to the other side and I’m doing it because I’m an idiot and I’m following his lead. Because he’s an idiot. And because he’s amazing,” Bloom laughs. “I can’t believe how much this is going to make me sound like I’m in love with the guy.”
Orli讲了一个关于护戒队成员在2002年夏天回到新西兰为电影配音并且开始拍摄《双塔》时的故事。Orli听说Vig组织了一个重聚晚宴。“我飞过去仅仅是想去拜访一下Vig,”Orli说道。 Vig和Henry(Vig的儿子),Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler (亚纹的扮演者),还有护戒队的其他成员坐了一辆巴士到乡村去。晚餐过后,Orli和Henry出去散步,他们看到一轮美丽的月亮高挂在附近一条小河的上空。
“‘没什么可害怕的嘿,’Vig说,‘快点,来吧。’我们光着脚,涉过齐腰的河水,踩着水中的小石子走到了对岸。我像一个白痴一样跟着他这么做。因为他也是一个白痴,而且是一个很棒的白痴,”Orli笑着说,“我简直不敢相信这件事那么清晰的让我觉得我好像和他相爱了。” |