◇ 发布不符本站主旨的文章(如其他CP)
◇ 存在抄袭、盗文行为
◇ 存在政治映射、激化民族矛盾的内容
◇ 纯色情文和无意义虐。
◇ mary sue及其变异类型。包括作者自我穿越,自我YY成配对中的对象等各种情况。
Mary sue的定义请见:http://www.subreality.com/marysue/explain.htm
“Mary Sue is any original or deeply altered character who represents a slice of his/her creator's own ego; s/he is treasured by his/her creator but only rarely by anyone else. More negatively, a Mary Sue is a primadonna (usually but not always badly-written) who saps life and realism out of every other character around, taking over the plot and bending canon to serve his/her selfish purposes.”