本帖最后由 Anniek 于 2009-10-10 22:40 编辑
美國時間10月9日看到twitter有目擊到幾位護戒隊成員,在美國LA的Radio City音樂院觀嘗了候活.梭爾指揮的「魔戒交響樂團」,除了現場音樂之外,還會配上電影的畫面播放呢~~好開心他們再次重聚!
# Just saw elijah wood, billy boyd, orlando bloom, and howard shore at the radio city lotr live orchestra showing! Ahhhhhhhh!about 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
So imagine my geek-giddyness when I heard that Radio City Music Hall — probably the most famous theater in the world — will be screening The Fellowship of the Ring on Oct. 9 and 10. What’s more, there will be a 300-piece orchestra playing all the music live. Live! Now, while I might not be as much of a score wonk as others, Howard Shore’s Oscar-winning music is positively majestic. Plus, I’m hoping there will be some renaissance fair-meets-Rocky Horror-style shenanigans afoot.
Radio City 官綱:http://www.theradiocitylotrconcert.com/ 首頁就是Legolas了~ |